Friday, November 19, 2010


I am sorry loves
I really shouldn't be promising once a day posts...
I sort of feel like my life is falling apart and so getting around to doing the things I actually enjoy doing (blogging) is hard because I am just so sick and tired of life.
Nothing comes easy anymore, not even sleeping!
Okay enough complaining

2 dinners 1 post
I am not going to cheat y'all

Thursday, Taco Night
Friday, Grilled chicken salad.

Shopping list for Tacos:
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 pack of fajita mix
1 small can of corn
Mexican cheese mix
1 tomato
1 large can of re-fried beans
small sized flour tortillas
Margarita mix
triple sec
chipotle Tabasco sauce

So tacos are easy (so so easy), in the morning before you go to work put your chicken in tupperwere with the fajita mix, and water (there are instruction on the back of the pack) shake it up and close the lid, and simply put it in the fridge for the day. When you get home pull out the chicken and grill it up using the foreman grill (or you can bake it). Cut up the veggies, chicken strain the corn, and put everything in little bowls (because tacos are more fun when you can make them yourself). Dump the re-fried beans in a fry pan over medium heat, cover and let them cook for about 10 minutes stirring every few minutes. Set your oven to warm and put the tortillas in, just until they are warm you don't want to over cook them they will dry out. Make your margaritas. Set the table, don't forget all of your toppings, and make sure you have a serving spoon for everything and plenty of napkins!
I understand tacos are a very personal thing and this is sort of a cop-out because most people know how to make tacos ?(i mean really?) but I more or less just want to give ideas for easy dinner for 2 this week, and as far as easy goes this is almost as easy as it gets! Plus who doesn't love tacos?

So if you cant already tell I love my Foreman grill more than anything! But if you don't have one all of the grilled chicken I make can be grilled outside on a real grill, on a stove top grill or baked (at 350 for about 45min, probably longer). But really just go get a "lean mean grilling machine" you'll love it!

Salad night!
Joe and I love this dinner!

Shopping list:
2-3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Big bag of salad mix
Shredded cheese (cheddar or Romano depending on the dressing)
2 tomatoes
*any other veggies

Things you should have:
Italian salad dressing
Cesar dressing

So again put your chicken in tupperwere and cover it with Italian dressing, let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour, if you can do this in the morning and let it sit in the fridge all day. Grill the chicken and chop it into 1 inch cubes. Then put the chicken in the fridge while you make the salad, because putting hot chicken on top lettuce makes it wilt. You can either just prepare 2 salads or make a big bowl and serve your selves (but why dirty more dishes). I make this chicken all the time, in salads and's just so easy and so good.
easy. healthy.yay

the week is finally over

and now the weekend...that never feels like a weekend because 5 people in a 3 bedroom 1 bath apartment isn't relaxing for anyone.
Hate my living situation.


Oh and sorry for being depressing...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So for dinner tonight
Spaghetti and meatballs
and warm Focaccia bread
(remember I said you'd use it again)

What's more romantic that spaghetti? I mean really!
I have you seen Lady and the Tramp?
(although I would recommend if you are going to be nudging meatballs with your nose you don't wear a white shirt)

Meatballs are one of those things I normally will make and cook a big batch of and freeze (one of the few things), but for this I am going to post a half batch recipe, but even with a half batch you will most likely still have leftovers.
Oh well...

Shopping list:
1/2 lb lean ground beef
1 jar of pasta sauce
1 box of spaghetti
1/2 loaf focaccia bread
1 onion
1 bottle red wine

Things you should have:
1 egg
olive oil
minced garlic
Italian bread crumbs

So fill a pot with water, let it boil and add the spaghetti, about half a box for 2 people is what I normally do. Pre-heat the oven to 350. Now finely chop 1/4 of the onion and set it aside for a minute, in a large bowl put your beef, 1 egg and one cup of bread crumbs and mix it with your hands until it become less sticky and is all combined, then add the chopped onion, and 1-2 tsp of minced garlic. Shape mixture into balls, the size is up to you but don't make them huge it will take forever to cook, arrange the meatballs in a glass baking dish and bake for 15 minutes rotate them and then bake for another 15 minutes. Your pasta should already be done and strained at this point I normally toss the pasta with about half the jar of sauce, heat it over very low heat to keep it warm. When the meatballs are done put the other half of the sauce in the bowl with them cover in foil and place in oven on warm. Slice the focaccia bread into pieces about 1 inch wide, mix 1 tsp garlic and 1-2 tbs olive oil and brush the tops of the bread with the mixture. Arrange the 'breadstick' on a baking sheet with tin foil, and put in the oven with the meat balls for about 10 minutes. At this point set the table and pop open the wine. Put your spaghetti in a serving bowl and pour the meatballs and sauce over the top, grab a wide mouthed glass or mug and arrange your bread sticking out the top (it looks fancy that way), and ENJOY!

I normally make a small salad to share with his meal, but that up to you and I am not posting instruction for that...HA.




So I had a crappy day yesterday and forgot to post Tuesdays dinner
bad Kelsey!
I know
I'm sorry

But I am going to post it today along with todays dinner so don't worry!

So on the menu for Tuesday we have

Teriyaki tofu with rice noodles and veggies
and for desert Saki fruit salad!

shopping list:
1 package of rice noodles (I like the fettuccine style that are flat)
snow peas
shredded carrots
1 green onion
1 package of firm tofu
fresh mixed berries (Shaw's normally has like fruit cup sized packs of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, that will be enough)
1 bottle of Saki (or plum Saki)

things you should have at home:
teriyaki sauce
minced garlic
sesame seeds
soy sauce
vegetable oil or peanut oil

Start by draining your tofu really well! Cut the tofu into slices about 1/2 inch thick, then smother it with teriyaki sauce and let sit for a few minutes wile you start the noodles. Boil about half the package of noodles according to the package instructions. drain the noodles and get 2 medium frying pans, one for noodles and one for tofu (if you want to use less dishes cook tofu first and put it in a warm oven and re use the same pan for the noodles). Place tofu in a lightly oiled pan over medium heat (if you have peanut oil it add a nice flavor to the dish if not vegetable oil will work). Cook tofu until the sauce becomes a little crispy about 3 minutes on each side. After draining the noodles rinse them with cold cold water, and let then sit in the strainer for a minute, in the other pan over medium heat saute the chopped green onion (leave about 2 tbs for garnish), 1 tsp of minced garlic in 3 tbs of oil for 3 or 4 minutes then add the noodles snow peas and carrots. Stir the noodles with everything in the pan and add about 1/4 cup of teriyaki sauce, stirring constantly cook for another 4 to 5 minutes when everything is done plate it, sprinkling everything with sesame seeds and the noodles with chopped green onion!

Enjoy your dinner! Desert is super easy, fill a 3 oz juice glass or cocktail glass 3/4 of the way with mixed berries and then fill the rest with Saki at room temp.

I normally cook 2 pieces of tofu per person and put the rest in a baggie in the fridge, for another night or smoothies or something, you can buy small packs of tofu depending on the selection your local store has. My boy isn't big on tofu but once in a while it's a good meet free dinner that he doesn't complain too much about, I think mostly however to avoid my "benefits of soy products" lecture. HA!



Monday, November 15, 2010

MONDAY: dinner for two!

So today was a gloomy day here in Boston,
it didn't rain but it was overcast, cold and windy (and just the beginning)
Oh damn winter!

But todays dinner for two is going to be a cafe style,
soup, sandwich and salad.

This is a really good Monday night dinner, I always find that on Monday I come home from work tired and in a bad mood not wanting to cook at all! But ordering pizza every time I had a bad day at work wouldn't really be reasonable.

For the Sandwiches, we're going to do a Foreman grill panini, with ham, Swiss, sprouts and spicy brown mustard. then a vegetable minestrone soup (tomato basil works really well too) and a mixed greens salad with celery, carrots, tomato and cucumber.
( I am going to put a shopping list in each post, and then the cooking directions, so that if your a once a week shopper you can just combined them all or you can just run out to the store after reading)

shopping list:

1/2 lb honey ham, thin sliced
1/2 lb Swiss cheese
1/2 loaf of focaccia bread
1 bag of salad mix
1 tomato
1 cucumber
Barley sprouts
1-2 cans of vegetable minestrone soup
1 bottle of red wine

*Things you probably should have at home*
(but if not get them)

Spicy brown mustard
Balsamic salad dressing

Just a few notes notes on the list, the Shaw's that I go to sells half loafs of bread, if yours doesn't no sweat focaccia makes awesome cold sandwiches, garlic bread, or is good as a side with any dinner instead of rolls. Also you will end up with extra veggies, I normally make a salad to go with every meal, so I don't worry about having extras, if you are however you can buy bags of salad mix with other veggies mixed in or get a bag of raw veggie slaw (an awesome salad and sandwich topper!). Now for the soup Joe and I can normally split one of the large cans and be fine it just depends on how much soup your going to want really, to be safe though I would do 2 cans.

Now, let's start cookin'!
Plug in your Foreman and cut your focaccia in half (so you end up with 2 quarters) then slice it open like a bun, spread a thin layer of the mustard on both sides of each. Then drop a pile of rinsed, dries sprouts on one side then a slice of Swiss, then 1/4 lb of ham, then another slice of Swiss, a few sliced tomatoes, then put the top on. Don't grill them yet, you want to have both sandwiches constructed and the soup, starting to cook before you start cooking. So, put your soup in a sauce pan on medium/high heat. If you have a big enough grill you can cook both sandwiches at once, if not don't crowd them just cook then one at a time and put one in the oven set to warm while the other cooks. While your sandwiches and soup are cooking cut up any veggies that need to be, and toss salad in a large bowl with balsamic dressing.
The sandwiches should be a golden brown on the outside and a little crispy, the cheese should be melted but the ham might not be hot, that's okay that's how it is supposed to be if you leave it on the grill till the ham has warmed all the way through you will most likely burn the bread.

So plate the salad and sandwiches on a plate and pour the soup into bowls, set a table for two and pop open the wine!

Tune in tomorrow for another delightful dinner for two



Table for two please

I don't normally cook meals just for two people, but my hours at work got cut so Joe and I are going to have date night in for a while...
There are tricks for cooking for two, and a few methods of attack,

This is where you buy more thank 2 serving of things like, veggies and meet and break them up into one or two serving size freezer bags and freeze them. I don't like this method...because I don't like having to defrost things, but for those who don't mind it it's the most economical.

When you fully cook a large meal and then split it up into one or two person servings tupperwear it and freeze it. This is easier than the pre-freeze but it doesn't work for everything...and if your like me you tend to forget about what you've cooked and froze. So be careful if you decide to do this.
I find this works best if you have roommates or like taking lunch to work. Joe and I aren't big on eating the same meal twice a week so this would never work if it was just the two of us living alone, throwing out food is sad and normally that's what this normally leads to.

I like this best, but it is the least economical and involves many trips to the store...or at lease for me it does because I am so bad a planning meals more than a few hours before dinner time.

The trick is finding what works for you and then planing accordingly and it always takes a while to get into the swing of meal planing and nightly cooking and I always think it's a lot easier to cook for a crowd than a couple.

But the good news is I am going to be doing another week long project! Unlike before the end result wont be one big meal each day I will post a complete meal for Two! (you will be able to apply any of the methods above to each day and hopefully I will get some pictures up to go with these). I am going to make these all quick and easy week-night dinners, you know the kind you don't totally dread making when you finally get home at 8pm.

Monday, November 1, 2010


So I have been sick for like 4 weeks,
and it stink!!!
I wanted to post GiftCakes pt. 2 today...
But the recipe for that seems to have disappeared, I think if I used one notebook and not like 6 these things wouldn't happen.
Oh welllzz
I do have a recipe for y'all today though never fear!

Burnt butter cupcakes with
Cranberry Frosting!

So weird as it sounds this is one yummy cake!
If however you have a bad habit of accidentally burning things you may not want to try this alone
the is a difference here between "burning" the butter and "S*&%$ I BURT THE BUTTER"...
It's also a little time consuming...but well worth it if I do say so myself.

So here we go...
Burnt butter cake:
1/2 cup plus, 2 tbs. Butter
3/4 cup cake flour
3tbs sugar
5 tbs light brown sugar (don't use dark!)
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
3 tbs milk

So put all your butter in a small sauce pan over medium heat, stirring constantly melt the butter. The butter will melt to a bright yellow (although it gets foamy, you need to pay attention to the color as it changes) after the yellow it gets golden when it's done 'burning' the liquid butter will be a golden brownish color, the sediment at the bottom will be a very orange gold brown like fall leaves (if the butter becomes dark brown or effed up and for real burnt it...sorry). When your butter is the color of early fall mmm, take it off the heat and using cheese cloth (or a heavy duty paper towel) strain it into a small glass bowl and place it in to your freezer for a bit, you want it to solidify a little but not to be completely hard again (you can make the butter the day before and leave it in the fridge over night, it actually works quite well that way).
Now pre-heat the oven to 350 and line your cupcake tray (or butter and flour your cake pan, if you aren't a cupcake person). Then in your mixer mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and brown sugar, till they are all combined, then add the butter and eggs, beat till it's smoothe, last but not least add the milk! Fill your cup cake pan 3/4 full and pop those babies in the oven!
They should bake for about 15min, depending on your oven, to check then lightly push down on the top of a center cupcake and if it bounces back they are done (or the trusty tooth pick trick works too).
But while they are baking clean out the mixer and get ready to make forstin'

Cranberry burnt butter frosting:
1/2 cup butter
4 cups confectioners sugar
3 tbs milk
1 tsp vanilla
2-3 tbs cranberry jam with chunks (the one that comes in the can that is like jello...won't all)

So you do the butter just like for the cake in the sauce pan, except this time after straining it into a bowl mix the cranberry jam into it and let it sit on the counter for a minute or two, dump it into your mixer with the sugar and vanilla, beat it till its fluffy, add the milk and yous done!
I recommend frosting the COOLED cupcakes right away this frosting tends to 'set' I like to sprinkle some dried cranberries or a little raw sugar on the top of these to fancy them up a bit.

I hope you enjoy!

I have to do some "work" now I will be posting again real soon


For the cake you'll need

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So I was totally kidding

About posting more often that is...
I have been working doubles almost everyday and honestly am losing my mind a little bit...
On top of that I am getting home at 9 or so and having to cook dinner and clean the house?!?!?!
Boys suck!
So because of all that I have not been baking at all really!
I am a bit depressed about it to be totally honest I thought I would be able to do so much baking and writing come fall, apparently I was wrong.
I plan to be making whoopee this weekend so stay tuned for that, but for today here's a quickie easy bake cop-out recipe for ya.

1/3 cup mashed over ripe bananas
1/2 cup soy milk (this is my attempt to be sneaky and force soy into every ones diet)
1 pack of Jiffy corn bread mix
1 egg
and cooking spray
(you can add walnuts if you want...I guess or chocolate or carob chips)

basically put it all in your mixer mix it, I use silicone cupcake cups so I spray them with a little cooking spray and fill them 3/4 of the way full. and bake at 350 for 20 or so minutes.

Easy, tasty and a good healthy breakfast mmm!


(also sorry for the really bad editing of the last post...yikes, that was bad!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I work too hard...

Not really.
So I know in my first post I sort or explained what this blog was going to be about, and if you read that you re probably confused because it's not at all what I said it would be...
Well there are a few reason for that,
The first being things and people change, and well that's just life
the second is that my interests cooking/ baking wise have changed
And last but probably biggest reason is that my life is very different than it was a year or so ago when I started this blog.
I am no longer living in a basement with my cat and a mixer, I live with 3 boys (well 4 if you include the cat), I work till 8pm every night and when I come home have to worry about sustainable dinners and not just cupcakes (as much as I would like to live off cupcakes it's just not practical and well Joe wont let me), so a few big life changes turned into a new blog with a little different subject matter.
But my dears no need to worry!
Baking is still my first love and I promise I will be doing more of it and writing more about it.
Whoopee pies, Rory's Gory birthday treat, Gift Baskets, Holiday candy and cookies are all things to look forward to!

That being said, I am going to post a quick dinner menu.
This is a super easy had a long day feeling lazy (by my standards) healthy dinner.

Grilled chicken sandwiches, and/or grilled tofu sandwiches
with roasted veggies!

The boys won't eat tofu, but I like it and I feel I have been eating way too much meat lately so...

For the chicken sandwiches:
1 chicken breast per-person (I guess that depends on how many sandwiches each person is having but since all my boys have been complaining about the recent weight gain I am only making one per-person). You want to trim all of the fat of the chicken and while you are doing that stab a few holes in the chicken, so the marinade soaks in, then trow the chicken in a baggy with Italian dressing put them in the fridge for 20 or so minutes, and make your roasted veggies.
(...crazy time lapse...)
Take out your chicken and grill it on the Foreman grill (if you don't have one you should! or you can use a normal grill). I like to use rolls from the Shaw's bakery, that have sesame seeds on them, and place them in the Foreman for a few minutes or so to warm them. To assemble the sandwiches (you can do whatever you want but if you bothered to read all this, my way is perfect sooo...) Put your grilled roll on a place smear a little spicy mustard on each side, place the chicken on one side cover it with a slice of cheddar cheese, and top it off with mixed greens and sliced tomato, scoop some of your roasted veggies on the plate and you're done, unless you're me and then it's never done, because there is a days worth of dishes to do! Sigh!

Roasted Veggies:

I am going to use zucchini, summer squash, beets, green beans, green pepper and a few red potatoes (because I need to use up whats sitting in the fridge). Wash all the veggies, cut the squash, zucchini, beets, and potatoes. Boil the potatoes for a few minutes to cook them, the beets too or used canned. Then put everything in a deep baking dish, pour some Italian dressing mix them so everything is covered, cover in tin foil and bake at 350-400, till you can easily stick a fork through them.

Tofu sandwich:

So I do the tofu just like the chicken, except for the fat trimming. So drain the tofu, put it in a baggie with Italian dressing and refrigerate, grill it on the Foreman and build the sandwich the same as the chicken one (except with the tofu not the chicken..duh).

It's not something sweet but it is something yummy!


Monday, September 27, 2010

It's been so long!

I'm a slacker...
Well not completely
Ya' see I normally do this at night at work when I have nothing to do,
but I have actually had tons of work to do, due to lots of crazy things.
But I am back now
so it's all good!

So today I am going to write about one of the most simple yet wonderful things ever!
(and some ways to jazz it up)
or more specifically:
Scottish Shortbread


So it's best to make this wearing plaid!
And listening to Joanna Newsom
(not relevant at all but so good)
and drinking...

So let's get started!
This is the easiest thing ever to make!

you'll need:
1 and 1/2 sticks of butter softened
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 and 1/2 cups flour
easy easy right!

Basically pre-heat your oven to 300. throw everything into your mixer until it moist crumbs...yes crumbs!
Then, in a greased pie pan (I like the pie pan best) or 8x8 baking dish pat the dough it should be no more than 1 inch thick, make patterns in the top with a fork or with a cookie cutter (press the cookie cutter lightly into the top, don't push all the way down just enough to make an imprint)
Then bake! For about 40-50 minutes (the edges should be light brown, and the middle soft to the touch but not doughy), cut into wedges or bars and TA-DA!
So easy right!

Now a few ways to jazz it up!

There is the very basic sprinkling cinnamon sugar over the top, very basic but totally yummy.

Chocolate dipped shortbread its a totally fantastic treat, it looks fancy and is easy:
I like to use dark chocolate, but you can use milk if you'd rather, I would not recommend white!
Double boil the chocolate to melt it, then take your wedges or bars and dip then into the chocolate, use a butter knife to wipe the extra chocolate off the bottom, then place the pieces spread out on a baking sheet cover with parchment paper, and refrigerate until the chocolate is hardened. Serve on a plate with orange wedges and strawberries, perfect for tea time!

Honey almond shortbread is another perfect tea time treat, perfect for days like today, that are gloomy and rainy, with Earl gray tea and oranges!
So all you need to do for this is, about 5 minutes before your short bread is done baking pull it out drizzle it with honey and sprinkle with almond slivers, continue baking 5 or so minutes, let it cool a bit cut and serve!

2 more...

Warm whiskey sauce is a great way to fancy anything up! it involves a little effort but it's worth it, so you'll need:
4 tbs butter softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
2 tbs whiskey (or a little more and I like Bourbon whiskey best...but it is sweet.)
Cream the butter and sugar together, blend in the egg, then double boil the mixture over gently boiling water, still until it thickens. Remove from heat then stir in the whiskey.
Spoon the warm sauce over your shortbread and serve!

And last but not least

Shortbread with warm berry sauce almode! So remember the blueberry dunking sauce we used for the Brunch?! No well here's the link because I am not retyping it! HA!
Just whip up some of that, (I like to have some on hand in the fridge). Put 2 scoops of ice cream in a bowl (french vanilla is awesome!) add 2 slices of short bread (artfully arranged) and then spoon the sauce on top, and enjoy!!

so that's all for today

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random ramblings & JUNK

Yeah so this is the and junk part...
I had to cover for the morning person at work today so I was up at SIX-O-FREAKIN-CLOCK-AM!
And I will be out of work early and that rocks but I am so bored none of the blogs I read are updated yet...booo!
I want to start fashion bloggin' maybe
(I mean would the six of you who read this read my fashion blog?...too much me?)

I am going to attempt to make chili tomorrow I will have something to write about and it will not be as boring as this promise!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall, falling in love!

My most favorite time of year is finally here!
Things I love about fall:
Warm hard cider
light coats
chilly mornings
pumpkin spice lattes
Topsfeild fair
Tanks gibbins (Thanks Giving)
boot shopping
pie, pie, and more pies!
hot coffee, tea and me
last but not least,
(I haven't been apple picking yet, because no one loves me enough to take me)
(Buuuut my lovely sister Holly has, so this post is for her!)

The Apple Post!

Cinnamon vanilla apple cupcakes with cinnamon whipped cream!

For the cake
2 sticks unsalted butter softened
2 cups sugar (plus 1 tsp for apple mix)
4 large eggs
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon (plus 1/2 tsp for apple mix)
1 cup milk
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup apple peeled and finely diced

Here we go, pre-heat your oven to 350 and set up your cupcake pan with liners. In a small bowl mix apples with 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1tsp sugar, until they are coated, set aside. In another small bowl sift together flour, cinnamon, and baking powder, set aside. In a mixer cream butter and sugar, turn the mixer to low add one egg at a time, when the eggs are all mixed add the vanilla, then with the mixer on low alternately add the flour mixture and milk. When its all mixed add your apples then fill the cupcake cups 3/4 of the way and bake for 30-35 minutes. Remove form oven and let cool completely before topping with whipped cream.

For the whipped cream, Use the recipe from "I hate my roommate cupcakes" and just add 1 tsp cinnamon! TA-DA! Way easier than pie!

And now for OOOY-GOOY Carmel apple cupcakes!

For the cake
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbs vanilla
2 large eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 3/4 cup flour
1 tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 medium sized apples cored, peeled, and chopped.

Okay, pre-heat the oven to 350, and line your cupcake pan. Beat sugar, oil, cinnamon, and vanilla in your mixer, then add the eggs one at a time. Then mix in milk, flour, baking powder, and salt until blended, then add your apples. Fill the cups 3/4 of the way full and bake for 30-35 minutes. When those are baking make the caramel topping.

For your topping:
1/2 light brown sugar packed
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla

Heat sugar, butter and cream in a sauce pan over medium heat, bring to a boil. Then you want to reduce the heat to a simmer, simmer for 5 minutes stirring constantly remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla, wail the cupcakes and caramel are still warm, pour topping over the cupcake and maybe a little scoop of vanilla ice cream, and so good!

There will be more apple recipes to come I am sure but that's all for now.
(I hope that's helps you get rid of some apples Holly)

OH! P.S.
Another amazing thing about fall...PUMPKIN BEER!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Last day of brunch

Sad sad I know
So sad.
But hey tis Friday so you'll get over it soon enough!
Let's get drunk?
Or well...
So First up
Classic mimosas
One of my most favorite things ever!
what you'll need:
Orange juice
orange slices for garnish
champagne flutes
So normally I hake these 2/3 champagne and 1/3 OJ, well I looked it up and its actually supposed to be a half and half sort of thing (LAME). Easy right?!
so let's take it up a notch!
These next two come from the TrueBlue site,
Amazing juice and amazing recipes!
There goes!
Blue Velvet
3/4 oz vodka
1/4 oz creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)
2 oz TrueBlue wild blueberry juice
2 oz grapefruit juice
lemon and blueberries for garnish
Mix in a highball glass with ice, stick lemon slice and blueberries on toothpick for garnish!
It looks so fancy!
And last but not least!
Blueberry Sunrise
(that is actually TrueBlue Diver..oops)
1 oz vodka
2 oz blueberry juice
2 oz orange juice
In that order pour over ice into a highball glass and garnish with orange slice!
and here is an extra because I love you,
(and Kahula)
The TrueBlue Moo
1 oz Kahula
2 oz milk
2 oz blueberry juice
Shake and pour over ice, garnish with berries if you want...mmm!
I need to get home and get Friday started now!
(oh music...eee...err...check Daytrotter...yeah)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

day four

Hey Hey Hey!
I am totally not feeling this today guys,
I feel so blah! I don't know why I mean this is the first day all week it hasn't rained?!
I think it had to do with my compulsive eating,
coming home at 9 every night and eating a hearty dinner and drinking 3 or so beers is not working out so well right now.
Or it my just be that it's Thursday and I cant wait for this week to be over.
Any ways...
Prosciutto Basil Parmesan Frittata
Frittata: a easy egg based dish, traditionally cooked in the oven in a frying pan.
But a good rule of thumb is, the way quickest way to make amazing things even better is to make them mini!
Although you don't want to make this mini without a silicone cupcake pan or individual silicone cups!

(Love those things!)

So what you'll need
2tbs olive oil
1 package diced prosciutto
a handful of fresh basil leaves, washed, dried, shredded
1 cup (about) asparagus, washed, dried and chopped into 1 inch pieces
8 large eggs
3 tbs milk
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (plus some for the tops)

Now preheat your oven to 350. In a frying pan on medium heat put your olive oil and asparagus and cook about 2 minutes stirring, then add your prosciutto and cook until crispy, about 3 or 4 minutes. remove from heat add basil and stir. In a medium sized bowl beat eggs and milk, add salt, pepper, and cheese and mix thoroughly. Fill each cup of your cupcake pan 1/3 full with the egg mixture, then distribute the prosciutto asparagus, basil mixture evenly between the cups. stiff each briefly to mix the chunks around. bake about 15 minutes, remove pan and sprinkle with cheese and continue baking 2-5 minutes. Let cool, pop out of the pan, arrange on a plate with some fresh basil for garnish, and enjoy!

So all of the food recipes are posted know what that means FRIDAY IS HAPPY HOUR!
Life really doesn't get sweeter than that...nope no it doesn't
AH! thought I forgot again didn't you...well I did...
But here's sort of a out of the blue, weird choice today
Dwight Tilly Band's first album 'Sincerely'
A classic, also Dwight is supposed to have a new album out soon so keep an eye out or snag some stuff & junk here!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

day three

Ello Ello!
or doughnut holes!
I love love home made doughnuts full of love and happiness!
(I know, I just jumped right into it today, well that's because I have noting to say and I am excited about doughnuts and any distraction from the rain...)
Yes, so yummy warm bite sized bits of joy and rainbows!
The doughnut are another night before recipe I sort of forgot about letting the dough sit overnight but the sauce should be made in the morning so it's all fresh and warm!


First off the doughnuts!
what you'll need:
1/4 cup vegetable shorting (or butter...I like butter better but we'll use shortening today)
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs room temp.
1 cup canned evaporated milk
2 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 and 1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
Vegetable oil for frying

So, melt shortening, then cream sugar and shortening in mixer. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each, add milk and vanilla and keep mixing about 2 or so minutes. In a medium bowl mix flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. Set the mixer to low and add the flour mixture until it is just mixed (meaning don't over mix) the dough should be soft and loose ehhh. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Okay so now on a floured surface roll out dough about 1/2 inch thick. Use a 1 inch round cookie cutter to cut out the doughnut holes. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep pot, if you have a thermometer you can test the oil it should be 375 degrees, if you don't drop a piece of dough in and if it starts to fry the oil is hot enough. In batches fry doughnut holes until they are golden drown and 2 or 3 minutes. When they are done transfer them to a paper towel to drain and cool! Yay love munchkins!

And on to the sauce!
what you'll need:
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cornstarch
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup water
3 cups fresh blueberries washed and dried
1/8 tsp vanilla
1 tbs lemon juice

And away we go, put your sugar, salt, cornstarch, and cinnamon in a medium size sauce pan, and stir until smooth. Stir in the blueberries and place on medium heat, stir until the sauce becomes clear (a lot of the blueberries will still be whole if you don't like that, smoosh them or strain the sauce when it's done). Test sauce so see if you need a little more sugar, then add the vanilla and lemon juice. Let is cool a little and serve with the doughnut! yummy! you may want to put a spoon in the sauce so people can spoon it on or stick the doughnuts on tooth picks and do it fondue style!

So today's music choice is SOKO, a totally cutesy french singer...adorable!



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day two

Day two!
Good afternoon dears, another dreary day here.
(I'd say I hope the weather is better where you are but the 2 people who read this are in Maine and it's probably worse there...blah)!
So today I am going to post recipes for.
Kelsey's Super Fruit Salad
Bacon Spinach Filo(Phyllo) Triangles

So again let's start with the easy one (easier) I should say because these are both pretty simple.
Fruit super fruit salad is sort of like ambrosia salad...except totally different and not nearly as disgusting. Don't get me wrong I love southern food and honestly I would put gravy on everything if I could but marshmallows in fruit salad really?!?!?! No, that's just awful!
Blah okay...

What you'll need:
12oz vanilla yogurt (I like Wallaby nonfat vanilla bean! best yogurt ever! Vanilla Greek yogurt also works well!)
1 tsp lavender water (if you can't find it try whole foods, if no luck chi tea syrup works well or rose water is sometimes easier to find)
1 cup of washed blueberries
1 cup if diced strawberries
2 kiwis peeled and diced
1 pear diced
1 cup diced cherries
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds (about 1/2 of the fruits worth)

All of the fruit should be washed and cut into about blueberry sized pieces. As with any salad feel free to use whatever fruits you like, I use these because they are my favorites I think they go well together I like to stay away from things like pineapple and banana because if they sit too long their flavors start to take over everything, and watermelon (and other melons) just absorb flavors. Ick.

Back to the recipe though, once all the fruit is peeled, washed, dried, and cut put it all into a big bowl and with clean hands mix it all up. In a small bowl mix the yogurt and lavender water, when that's all blended pour into fruit and mix it till the fruit is coated and Ta-Da! Serve chilled with granola or unsalted sunflower seeds on the side. Yummy!

Moving on, Bacon Spinach Filo triangles YAY! I Love filo dough or (phyllo) I am not sure which is right, I am pretty sure the correct Greek is Phyllo...anyways it's amazing! I also Love spinach I think it might be my favorite vegetable...maybe...yeah it is! hah! This is sort of a phyllo pizza and not a spanakopita, but it is totally yummy!

So what you'll need:
6 sheets of phyllo dough (if frozen thaw)
1 stick of butter salted and melted
1 pack of thick sliced bacon cooked (but not too crispy) and chopped
3 fresh sage leaves washed diced
1 cup drained canned spinach
a hand full raw baby spinach
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 and 1/2 cups Parmesan motzerlla shredded cheese blend (you know the Italian blend)
1 cup halved cherry tomatoes (optional)
salt & pepper to taste
(you can also add onions, but I don't because I apparently say the word funny and Joe wont eat them...but they add a little extra flavor so if you can sat it correctly and like 'em go for it about 1/4 cup chopped will do)

Preheat the oven to 350. Butter a deep baking sheet (one that is at least 1inch deep) then carefully lay out phyllo, butter sheet with brush then add another do this until you are at the top layer, butter the top layer, and set aside in a cool place (meaning not on top of your oven!).
In a bowl mix both kinds of spinach, cheese, sage and about a pinch of the s & p, mix it all together. Get your sheet of dough spread the spinach mixture evenly on top (I think that using your hands works bets but if you don't want to get dirrrty use a regular table spoon) sprinkle the bacon, and tomatoes on top and add a little extra cheese if you want (I mean more cheese...why now!). Now bake for about 15minutes, sprinkle on the pine nuts. Bake about another 15minutes cheese should be melty, bacon should be crispy, pine nuts toasty and phyllo crispy! Let cool for 10-15 minutes cut into triangles and serve!

Okay 2 down and 3 to go!
Stay excited and stay tuned!

OH OH I almost forgot music could I?!
So here is is:
Jenny & Johnny's album "I'm Having Fun Now"
The album is not out yet but it will be Aug 31 (my birthday, thanks guys!)
I am a huge fan of both Jenny Lewis and Johnathan Rice, so naturally I am so excited for this to come'll love it so get it and listen to it when you eat fantastic brunch!

rainy days&junk

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day one...

Happy Monday, it has been a strange day here, and it's gloomy out...but lets hope this brightens the day!
So I am going to post recipes for Lemon zest blueberry muffins, and the blueberry sage cream cheese today. Both of these are awesome if you make them the night before, it will shorten the prep time in the morning and gives the flavors a chance to set.
So lets start with the easy one:
Blueberry sage cream cheese.
this is an interesting flavor and if you aren't feeling that adventurous that's okay, but it's tasty I promise.

So what you'll need:
1 package of whipped cream-cheese
a handful of fresh sage leaves washed dried and finely chopped
1/3 cup or frozen or fresh blue berries (I like to use the real tiny ones, and if they are frozen you will need to defrost them and may want to only use a tsp if juice.)
1 tbs blueberry juice

So in a big bowl soften your cream cheese just by mixing it with a spatula, add the juice, then the sage mix thoroughly, softly fold in the blueberries, when its all mixed put it in the dish you want to serve it in cover it tightly and refrigerate till you are ready to serve it, garnish with a few fresh blueberries and sage leaves and a big bowl of plain bagel chips (or bagels or rolls or whatever...).

Now on to the
Lemon Zest Blueberry Muffins!!!
What you'll need:
2 and 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar (plus a little more for the top)
1 tbs baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1/2 cup butter (unsalted) melted

1 cup milk
2 large eggs at room temp.
1 tbs lemon zest (plus 1/2 tbs for the tops)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups of fresh blueberries (washed and dried)

Because you are going to refrigerate these over night and bake them in the morning you don't need to preheat the oven, but if you do want to bake them the night before that's fine too just preheat the over to 425, and line your muffin pan with papers.

mix all of your dry stuff together in a big bowl (flour, suga
r, baking powder, salt) and set aside. In another bowl mix milk, eggs, lemon zest, vanilla, and butter. Make a well in the center of your dry ingredients and slowly pour in the wet mix with a wooden spoon. when the batter is mixed but still lumpy mix in your blueberries. Cover and refrigerate (skip this step if you plan to bake them right away).

Your over should be preheated to 425, and your muffin pan lined. Take about 1/4 cup of sugar and the 1/2 tbs of lemon mix together in a small bowl and set aside. Take your batter out of the fridge, give it a quick mix to make sure all the berries haven't settled at the bottom. Fill each muffin cup 3/4 of the way and sprinkle the lemon zest sugar mixture on the top. Bake about 25min until golden brown, remove from the try and place on cooling rack to cool for a little, serve warm or room temp and enjoy!

So there is the first 2 out of the 9 recipes for the week! WooHoo!

And I remember saying something about music...yeah!
So today's is Neil Halstead's album "OH! Mighty Engine",

an absolutely amazing album, very soft and soothing voice and absolutely lovely songs!

Well I will be posting some more tomorrow, sit tight till then!



Thursday, August 19, 2010

le grand petit déjeuner

Big Plans for next week!

So I was thinking about what could be better than breakfast...and well the obvious answer is BRUNCH. For two obvious reasons, first that it is totally acceptable to have booze with brunch (not so much with breakfast), and second that you don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to make a totally fantastic brunch because brunch happens sometime after 11am, so no need to be up until 9 at the earliest! AMAZING!

So next week I will do 1 post a day and by Friday we will have a complete menu!
I have decided to have a blueberry inspired brunch,
No, not all the dishes will have blueberries in them, but a few standout dishes will!
There will also be some musical suggestions with each post so you'll also have a soundtrack by Friday!

Sounds Fun right?!?!
I know!
I am going to post the menu today, so your mouths will be watering with anticipation all weekend heehee.

One 'Morning' In Maine Brunch Menu:
Prosciutto Basil Parmesan Frittata
Lemon zest Blueberry muffins
Doughnut holes with warm blueberry dipping sauce
Bacon and spinach filo triangles
Kelsey's Super Fruit Salad
Bagel chips with blueberry, sage cream cheese

Blue velvet
Classic Mimosa

Blueberry Sunrise

Who's hungry?
I am!

I know this spans out from my usual baking theme, truth is though that my passion spans past baking...I love food! But no need to worry, most of my future posts will be baked deserts and treats.

Well I will see y'all Monday
Have a lovely weekend


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So I am thinking of getting a new tattoo,
I want this going vertically down my left forearm

(without the words)
In a red or pink outline!


Thursday, August 12, 2010


I couldn't resist
Two days in a lucky ducks!

So for anyone who doesn't know I LOVE BREAKFAST!
SO SO much!
I went through a chocolate chip pancake phase as a kid...who doesn't? But the I was off the pancakes for a while. the onto microwave pancakes (that didn't last long). Then when I was in Florida I found myself a vegan pancake recipe and decided to have at it and well I still love pancakes...I mean cake you are encouraged to eat at breakfast....awesome!
Well anyways this recipe isn't for vegan pancakes, it is however for vanilla cinnamon pancakes with mixed berry sauce!
(I will include a vegan pancake recipe too...because I love you)
And away we go!

What your need for the pancakes:
1 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2 & 1/2 tbs. sugar
1 large egg
1 cup milk
2 tbs unsalted butter melted (plus a little more for the pan, I know it may be less healthy than cooking spray, but it tastes better, also this is a baking blog its not healthy in anyway get over it)
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp vanilla extract

Put everything in a bowl use a hand mixer or kitchenaid and mix it! You can do it by hand but I like to almost over mix pancakes, it makes them extra fluffy! mmm! (before you make the pancakes you want to make the I guess I should have put that first...but I didn't)
When your pancakes batter is fully mixed fry 1 cup at a time of the batter in a buttered frying pan on medium heat, flip the pancake to cook both sides (my first one is always bad looking so I normally eat that wail cooking). As you finish each I like to set the oven to warm and put the pancakes in the oven on a baking sheet or ceramic plate to keep them warm, warm pancakes are always better (although if you like in an apartment like mine and everyone eats in the living room and are grabbing pancakes as fast as you can make them this isn't really necessary, but if you want to all eat together its nice).

For the berry sauce:
3 cups of mixed frozen berries (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, snozberry...ya know berries)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbs cornstarch
1/4 cup cold water

Dump berries, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. In a small bowl mix the cornstarch and water until the cornstarch is dissolved. Add the cornstarch and water to the berry mix and stir for about 2 or 3 min on medium high heat. You can strain the sauce when its done...I like to do that sometimes especially with berry sauce because the seeds...blah but you don't have to.

These pancakes are good with just plane syrup too (ya know the maple kind), or with a little vanilla bean yogurt and the berry sauce, so good!

and now as promised the vegan pancakes!
you make them the same as the others...except don't use butter in the pan...duh!
1 & 1/2 cup soy milk (vanilla is awesome, or even almond milk yummy)
1 & 1/2 cup flour
1 tbs. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
1-2 tbs. water (you might not need it but if the batter is too thick don't hesitate to add it, you can use soy milk too if you want).

Sooo...that's it! PANCAKES!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So because I am not doing any baking right now I figure I will do some talking about other baking related stuff...just till I move and start baking again!

So today I am going to blab on about extracts!
Some bakers I know have said they don't like using anything other than vanilla...but I think that's just because they don't know how, or because they are BORING!
It's not scary, it's actually so easy so, just put on your big girl (or boy) pants and just do it.
you never need more than a tsp. (unless you are double batching something)
And the beauty of it is even if you know 2 recipes that you can make well it opens up a whole world of options and flavors you would otherwise never know!

There are basically 2 kinds of extracts synthetic and pure.
I would say always go with pure it has a better flavor and no weird chemicals
But there is a time and place for synthetic extracts...I mean how else would you make Bubble Gum Cupcakes?!

Extracts can be added to any recipe in place of the vanilla...If you have a recipe that doesn't use vanilla..that's odd but you can add extracts anyways...and even if you are being a butt head and using box mix you can add extract (remember the boxed cakes have vanilla in them but that doesn't mean you can't add a little something extra...). Want to excite your pancakes? Maybe some maple or strawberry extract...mmmm!


-Be careful though to read what you buy, Oils are not the same as extracts!!!
Yes, you can use oil in place of extracts but you want to use 1/4 as much oil as you would extract, and also add it last.
-Make sure the tops are on as tight as possible there is alcohol in extracts and they will evaporate.
-Remember to think! Don't go crazy! With cakes I am going to say you never want to have more that 3 different flavors going on a once, it's over whelming (that includes the frosting).
(I know those last to seem silly sorta but it's easy to get carried away and think that banana, raspberry, vanilla, almond cake sounds great but it doesn't! take my word for it there is a such thing a too much!)
-Remember it's a cake not mouthwash mint on mint is hard to pull off well, use it sparingly. also only one kind of mint at a time! I am a little bias on this one because I HATE mint flavored things blah! Just use discretion, no vanilla mint, no banana mint...icky ick barf!

Where do you get extracts?
Well my dears, the baking section of your local grocery store should have a good selection, if you aren't happy with that here are 2 websites I think are awesome!
This place is amazing, good selection and great quality. It's a tad expensive but it lasts forever (although if it's something you know you will only use once shop around for the cheapest place because it's not worth one cake...)
This website looks like crap but...They have bubble gum, root beer, and cola flavors..sweet (literally.) There stuff is good and a little cheaper. The assortments are an awesome deal!
2oz. should last you 12 or so recipes...not bad at all, but you see what I mean a little goes a long way.
Faerie's Finest

Maybe Santa will get me Holiday Flavors because he knows how much I love pumpkin and eggnog! ha!

Any who...That's all I really have to say about extracts, if you have any questions...leave a comment...I'll get back to you I really have nothing better to do.

Maybe next week something about flower waters, and an older recipe to go with.
also sorry for my over use of parentheses...bad habit I know.



Monday, August 2, 2010



Not that Woodstock...


Ice cream cake are a pain in the ass! They take forever...but the possibilities are pretty much endless!
There are 1000 flavors of cake and ice cream so live the dream go wild!
I am going to do two Woodstock inspired cakes with help from my bffs Ben and Jerry!
Guess what flavors?!


So here goes!
For the phish food were going to do:
Vanilla tie-dye cake
Fluff butter cream frosting
Fudge sauce
and those little chocolate sprinkles that go in store icecream cakes
Now for Cherry Garcia:
Chocolate chocolate chip cake
Fluff butter cream
and Cherry preserves

PHISH FOOD CAKE: (Phish never played Woodstock...just so no one is confused, they are however a smelly hippy band heehee)
Tie-dye cake

1/2 cup unsalted butter

2/3 cup sugar

3 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cups flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup milk

Pre-heat the oven to 350 mix up the cake, cream the butter and sugar add vanilla, eggs and milk the all the dry ingredents. Once the cake is mixed it's time to tie-dye! Separate the batter into three or four small bowls add a different color food dye to each, Get a 8" round pan geese and flour then alternately add the different colored batter use a butter knife to swirl colors (be sure not to mix them too much or you'll end up with brown cake...weird). Bake the cake for 20 or so minutes, when its done remove from the pan and let it cool on a cooling rack.

Fluff butter cream frosting

1 cup butter (softened)

1 7oz. jar of Fluff (sorry if your not from New England and don't know what Fluff should move!)

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla.

Put Fluff, butter and vanilla in the mixer and cream it reduce speed and add sugar.

Easy easy.

Now the hard part. Put the frosting to the side covered for the night. Take the ice cream out of the freezer and let it warm up. Get a 9" round spring form pan, put a sheet of parchment paper in the bottom. Cut your cooled cake into layers (see video attached)(just 2 layers1) then place 1 COOLED cake layer in there add a layer of store bought ice cream topping fudge (NOT HURSHEY"S SYRUP!) then in a bowl empty one container on B&J Phishfood ice cream and soften it by mixing it with a wooden spoon (it really just need to be soft enough to spread without pulling up your cake (the video uses piping bags...not necessary). Spread the layer of phish food over the top of the cake, add a layer of frosting or fudge (whatever) the put the other cake layer on top. Cover with wax paper and freeze for 5 or 6 hours!

now that your ice cream is hard mmmm, is frostin' time! Carefully remove the cake from the spring form pan place it on a cake stand or completely flat plate frost the sides and top of the cake with fluff butter cream then sprinkle the little chocolate bits all over it! (the chocolate bits can be found with the cake toppings, if you cant find them smashed up Oreos work just as well, and you get the joy of smash-ums!). Freeze the cake till your ready to serve it!

NOW FOR THE CHERRY GARCIA (the Dead did in fact play Woodstock and this cake will steal your face maan)

For the cake use the vegan chocolate cake recipe from the "Giftcakes" post chocolate chips and all.

like before bake in a 8" round pan. let it cool fully, whip up the Fluff frosting. Cut cake into layers, place the bottom layer of your cake in the spring form pan top with a layer of cheery preserves and then the Fluff frosting, the ice cream, preserves and the top layer of cake! Freeze for 5 or 6 hours, frost the same as the Phish cake but add cherry preserves to the top of the cake, you can also drip colored food dye down the sides to give you a colorful tye-dye look (OOOOOooooOOO0000OOOOoo pretty!)


Good luck!!

Oh and remember don't take the brown acid!!


Ice Cream Cake from Jade on Vimeo.

Friday, July 23, 2010

well well well...

So I wont be posting any more recipes till I move...
soo crazy to bake right now ARGGG!
So in the mean time here are some other fun blogs and sites...

This site has awesome recipes
you need to have a conversion table or google...haha

So I know it seems lame but I spend so much time on the next 2.
Plus all the kid friendly stuff is twenty-something year old boy friendly too!
Go figure, so skip all the other stuff the recipes alone are wonderful!


I mean the lady is an icon...Lifetime made a movie about her!

plus the crafts and recipes are wonderful, makes me wish I had my very own cottage where I could host garden parties...but alas I have a 3rd floor apartment and 3 roommates that are...boys, ick!

Now I am not a vegetarian, but the peperoni pizza, steak and potato, pasta and meatball, chicken cutlet and MEAT diet that I have been on lately is making me reconsider.


and as far as vegetable cooking goes this really is the place, they also have health and lifestyle tips that fit for any diet!

Enough food stuff for now I am getting hungry...

here's some stuff to do when you are bored!


So you are helping people and learning things? AWESOME!
I always get sort of sacred not being in school and having the least mentally stimulating job in the world that I am going to get lazy and dumb.

Free rice makes me feel a little better about that.


Did someone say unreleased music, for free....everyday?!

Daytrotter did! It's hit of miss now days, there is something I want maybe one a month but it's Worth it to check everyday for the four free song by someone I really like.

And last (for now) but not least!
Check out my moms gallery!
Art by my mom, my sister, a bunch of talented people from Maine



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh so sweet...


So the first time I made this cake was my first week in Florida.
Regardless of having been there only four days this was my third cake (my second of the day for that matter).
I guess it wasn't sooo bad that the place I moved into had five bags of flour just hanging around waiting to be turned into yummy things!
So still feeling kind of awkward armed with my trusty "Vegan cupcakes take over the world" book I was on a mission to get rid of some excess flour and make some friends...I didn't really do either in my time there but...that's not the point.

The point is this no sugar vegan cake is AMAZING! (and makes a super wonderful breakfast...the lack of sugar the OJ and the cream cheese totally justify finishing off the cake at 10am with a cup of crappy coffee)

gah on with it already,
Sorry y'all I am a little unfocused today, up until about an hour ago I thought it was Tuesday but turns out its Wednesday...

So the cake recipe here comes from the "vegan cupcakes take over the world book" (BUY IT).
Its a thick cake that doesn't rise much, so we made it in a 9x13 glass pan, not as cupcakes (although it works as cupcakes they are just flat cakes).

soooo what you'll need:
2/3 cup of soy milk (plain soy milk not could use vanilla but don't)
1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup of canola oil
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 1/3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2/3 cup light agave nectar (you can find Agave in the Health food section of most supermarkets or at Whole Foods)

So now you pre-heat the over to 325
Use a little oil and grease and flour your pan (you don't need to flour it but I find with vegan cakes it helps if you do.)
Mix everything milk and vinegar first then the Agave and then everything dry.
Pour it into your pan and bake for about 20min, the cake will be a rich golden color when it's done and will feel spongy.
while your cake is cooling it's time to make frosting!

This frosting is a Reanne, Cali and Kelsey creation we sort of just mixed it till we thought it tasted good

1 8oz container of Tofutti vegan cream cheese (plain flavor...don't try and get all crazy!)
2 tbs of Agave
juice from 1 and 1/2 oranges (we used fresh picked oranges stolen by Rae from someones yard...but ones bought from the store will do fine)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp orange zest

basically just put it all in a bowl and mix it...the frosting is very thin so when the cake is still a little warm pour it on smooth it out and then refrigerate for about 20min.

to serve cut rectangular slices, garnish with orange slices and mint leaves and enjoy!

for the cake you don't eat right away you want to keep it in the fridge. I wouldn't recommend this recipe for a fancy party unless you were going to do cupcakes. (mostly because its served cold and out of the baking pan...its just not super pretty, it's yummy as ever though!)

(maybe someday a picture...who knows)