About posting more often that is...
I have been working doubles almost everyday and honestly am losing my mind a little bit...
On top of that I am getting home at 9 or so and having to cook dinner and clean the house?!?!?!
Boys suck!
So because of all that I have not been baking at all really!
I am a bit depressed about it to be totally honest I thought I would be able to do so much baking and writing come fall, apparently I was wrong.
I plan to be making whoopee this weekend so stay tuned for that, but for today here's a quickie easy bake cop-out recipe for ya.
1/3 cup mashed over ripe bananas
1/2 cup soy milk (this is my attempt to be sneaky and force soy into every ones diet)
1 pack of Jiffy corn bread mix
1 egg
and cooking spray
(you can add walnuts if you want...I guess or chocolate or carob chips)
basically put it all in your mixer mix it, I use silicone cupcake cups so I spray them with a little cooking spray and fill them 3/4 of the way full. and bake at 350 for 20 or so minutes.
Easy, tasty and a good healthy breakfast mmm!
(also sorry for the really bad editing of the last post...yikes, that was bad!)